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ZAXE Z3S 3D Printer

Zaxe Z3S Perfect 3D Printing Experience without compromising Fast

Thanks to E3D High flow HotEnd, AI Integrated Frimware, CoreXY, System and Passive Heated Chamber, Zaxe Z3S offers faster, precise and reliable printing without failure.
E3D Revo High Flow Printhead

Achieve optimal speed with E3D Revo High Flow update. E3D Print Heads prolongs your Z3S service life and allows you to rapid nozzle change at the same time. You get reliable performance, while your printing time will significantly shorten.
Innovative CoreXY Mechanical System

Experience the world-class 3D printing performance of Zaxxe Z3S thanks to the innovative CoreXY Mechanical System. Zaxe Z3S will provide you with the speed, precision, and consistency that you need to take your production efficiency to the next level.
Fully Automatic Calibration

Zaxe Z3S's fully automatic calibration system completely eliminates guesswork and reduces the mergin of error. Even inexperienced users can achieve perfect calibration and save time when they use their 3D printer.
Passive Heated Chamber

Equipped with a fully enclosed passive heated chamber, Zaxe Z3S is able to keep the temperatures in the print area consistent, assuring better and more reliable results with material type on the market.
Klipper Integrated Zaxe Firmware

Klipper is the enforcer between Zaxe Z3S's hardware and software. As Zaxe Z3S's firmware, Klipper will improve print times, allow you to get better surfaces, and increase the precision of your 3D prints.


Powerful Zaxe Electronics


At the heart of Zaxe Z3S, there is the zBoard. Equipped with a 32-bit processor and a Raspberry Pi 4B+, zBoard provides the power and speed that will carry your manufacturing effirciency to new heights.

Secure and Stable Connection

Equipped with many security features to provide the safest 3D printing experirence, zBoard includes a fuse for every possible scenario. Each connector is equipped with noise-cancelling technology to give your a comfortable 3D printing experience.

Cooling System

To prevent the motherboard from overheating during intense sessions, zBoard's temperature is kept under control with its cooling system. Even after countless hours of 3D printing, the system will keep your zBoard cool under pressure.

Robust Aluminium Frame

Zaxe X4's single-piece aluminium frame minimized vibrations during high-speed printing at speeds of up to 600 mm/s, ensuring superior print quality with every use.

Power Loss Recovery System

Don't lose your progress after a power outage. The nprinting process will be stopped automatically in such cases and will continue from where it left off when the power outage is over.
Colorful Guiding LEDs

LED modules interact with users by illuminating the states of the functions. They give yoru feedback on printing phases so you always know the step you are on.
110° Opening Angle

We designed a hinge system with a 110° opening angle which allows users to get inside the machine comfortably for maintenance.



Responsible, environmentally friendly, and reliable. axe Z3S comes with 2 HEPA Filaters that are designed to prevent the release of odor and harmful microparticles.

Meet Our Flexible PEI Sheet

Take your print out without the nned for a scraper. The Flexible spring steel structure allows it to bend easily and makes removing your print from the build plate easier.
Textured or Smooth

Always have a perfect first layer, You can choose between a smooth or textured surface according to your needs. 

Thanks to its magnetic properties, it can be easily removed from the heatbed and reattached effortlessly.

Tech Specs

Printing Properties Nozzle Diameter 0.4/ 0.6/ 0.8 mm
  Layer Resolution 25 - 600 Micron
  Bed Material Double Sided Flexible PEI sheet
  Bed Max. Temp. 110 C
  Extruder Max. Temp. 300 C
3D Printer Properties Dimensions 585 x 665 x 667 mm
  Build Volume 400 x 300 x 350 mm
  Print Area Closed, Heat Insulated
  User Panel 7'' Color Touch Screen
  Printhead Single, E3D Revo High Flow Printhead
  Calibration Fully Automatic & Z tilt
  Camera Yes
  Power Outage Protection Yes
  Filament Sensor Yes
  Filter HEPA + Carbon Filter
Software & Connectivity Sfotware xDesktop.
  Supported File Types .stl, .amf, .gcode
  Connections Wi-Fi, Ethernet, USB, Flash Disk
Materials Material Feed Filament Spool
  Filament Diameter 1.75 mm
  Supported Materials PLA, ABS, PETG, TPU, *PET-CF15, *Carbon Fiber Filament, and
other *abrasive filaments. *with Revo ObXidian Nozzle

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